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how long do revolution side effects last

This product should be taken off the market and someone should sue this company for poisoning our pets. Gave it to all including Missy who is 10 years old this past Thursday a.m. and at 4 p.m. that day she was having a seizure...then she had another at midnight and again the next day at 7:30 a.m. I gave my 3 yr old bulldog a dose of revolution on Sunday and a few hours later he started to have head tremor not eating or drinking water mopey without energy and his head feels warm does anyone know how long these side effects last I will not give him revolution again. My other 16 yr old male also had the revolution at the vet while there for a check and he is ok, no bad reactions. I read too many stories last night and the night before while I thought my baby kitten was dying in my arms to even consider anything else. Used the Topical Brevacto for medium sized cat yesterday only but to find my cat twitching and crying on the floor this morning. The oldest one is very lethargic and just lays there, has vomited, and had a small amount of bloody diarrhea. He seemed to be fine that night . My 8 year old, on the other hand, has been acting very lethargic since it happened. besides the one time I did use it my cat foamed at the mouth. I force fed my kitten the medication I was given by the vet, plus honey water mixture, and a kitten formula that I got from a pet store. These are serious and should not be ignored. A few days after the application she acted sick. Start with twice a week, then once a week for a month. Use with caution in cats with a history of neurologic disorders. I just put this on my bichon frise today and she has been constantly itching. Other flea treatments simply do not work. So ended up here after applying R+ to our two cats. She has to be hand-fed but hasn't come to me for her scheduled feedings like she normally does. You should not wash your cat or kitten for 2 hours after application. This year, my vet was out of Advantage so I bought Revolution. My vet suggested Revolution couple of times, and I said I will do my research and let you know. I finally took him home and waited for him to die. Drug Last year I used Revolution of a 8 year old Maine Coon Mix or a large longhaired domestic longhair that looked like a Maine Coon. The vet thought it was some type of virus, but he started losing weight, having difficulty breathing, and bleeding from his mouth. She had a week of not eating so I was able to give her subcutaneous fluids and force feeding. Side Effects Long-term illness. Severely sick and lethargic. Both said yes. Signs of incoordination include muscle tremors, It is much more safe than any of those topical poisons. I wanted to do something good for a street cat that was very friendly. One was only six when she began to hide and then developed unexplained seizures. Gave both my cats Revolution, one being 20 lbs was sick but got over that.Now 2 wks later my older cat is still bring up and had the runs really bad.l feel so bad for her but they recommend because l live in an apartment building and have had huge problem with fleas and ticks that they be on this every month.l will consult the vet because she is just about 12 and she has a sensitive stomach because Siamese cats can't tolerate it as well.l feel so bad that she is this sick.The whole building needs to be sprared because other just care or look after their pets. Our 2 y/o schnauzer has been given revolution since old enough. Lol. One of my cats is 15 years old and the other is 8 years old. We just went through a real ordeal with our 2 babies - 10 months old and 9 years old (felines). But I always found that the animals got slightly lethargic with advge.... And it's life expectancy goes down every time the animal swims or is bathed. Luckily, we took her home instead. I have a dog I used it on just one time same problem, except he has continued to have seizures. I am sickened by these pharmaceutical companies. She is eating but can't even stand to use her box. She gave him 2 months worth on him and I'm hoping he'll be safe. i gave to my cat last week, only 1 year old, she wasnt eating, i took her to the vet. Mark the date you apply the prescription flea medication to Wow..its becauze she has a hypersensitivity 2 it. Just wondering if you are some kind of expert or that's just your assumption. She resisted strongly to the application (and there was no broken skin). His hair will grown back in about 6 weeks. Hi. Yes I have even had them in female cats after giving revolution. Waiting for the Vets to open. I am a very unhappy costumer. He started staggering and walking funny. He died. If it occurs, switching your dog to a diet of bland And now that we've gotten through the tougher parts of this discussion, let's cover the more common side effects and some ways that you can help your pet cope with them, while the treatment relieves them of pests. I use very little flea medicine. I'm up for anything holistic - fleas are better than torturing her with this drug! so has a compromised immune system. One seems just fine. The blood work came back normal and they were labeled as idiopathic epilepsy. But we understand clearly that Revolution is poison to our fur babies! I had a vet/doctor that overdose my rabbit with revolution. Two months later she is still itching and has big pieces of dander all over her black fur. I just treated my 3 months old kitten with revolution, and he vomited last night. Always ask your veterinarian for the best topical flea treatment, veterinarians are knowledgeable about topical flea products that are effective and studied to be safe versus those that are on the Shelf at any Walmart I may not have any safety studies associated with them. That night I thought we were going to lose her. He is miserable. I have a feeling that the revolution caused hemolytic anemia and leukemia in my dog coco. This is the second time this has happened to her. This side effect tends to be more common in cats, but it is worth monitoring. Recently had to start using Revolution after moving to a new neighborhood and encountering zombie fleas that could not be killed by ANYTHING else (I tried EVERYTHING, people, I'm serious). Like. I have given one dose if Revolution to my 12 week old kitten. I have had sudden death only after starting using Revolution last year. Take your poor kitty to another vet if he hasn't eaten in more than 48 hrs.... that could be life threatening. Took him to the Vet who totally ignored the possible connection between Revolution and my cat's symptomatology. My cats were sleepy for a couple days and one seemed sneezy for a bit (probably unrelated) but otherwise fine. I was a little worried since she is 13 pounds and but I let them administer a second dose at about 6:00 pm on Tuesday, December 8th because you have to trust your vet or there is no point going to them. to keep the dog calm and quiet for a day while the nausea passes. Thanks for posting this. Tests on cats....In safety studies, Revolution was applied at 1, 3, 5, and 10 times the recommended dose to six-week-old kittens with no adverse effects. I administered all cats at the same time and 24 hours later, they all seem fine except one. I had in my care some young, 3 years old, purebreds, a Bengal and a Havana Brown. I just realized it too late. the signs you'll see. but in the meantime, she is not herself and having seizures.. The older one was treated once and was sick for about 2 weeks. of any medication, prescription or non-prescription, including vitamin How long does Revolution last on cats? Then, I noticed she had vomit around her mouth, down her cheek, on the top of her head, & all over the sheets. Does anyone know when and if this will wear off or is his condition permanent? he is a in door cat never goes outside . Vomiting several times yellow bile at first. For the rest of the month Revolution is water resistant. Nothing I have ever experienced before and that night my "itchy" cat had slept up against my neck - so I stopped Revolution thinking it might have caused this reaction to my skin. Gave second dose and by morning she was a new dog. These three cats were on Revolution monthly. In humans, Revolution may be irritating to skin and eyes. We took her into a holistic plus conventional vet clinic for a "kitten checkup" after I discovered mites in her ears. That's two flea meds. Could this have happened from the Revolution. Side Effects from it. I also used a portion of a dose on a CKD cat that was 15 and it made her kidneys have a harder time for a while but then she got a little better for a while and I eventually had her put down. We have been using revolution on our inside rescue dog and now she’s having seizures, in bad pain, lethargic, etc. What are Capstar’s Side Effects. I read this blog, and many others, looking for adverse side effects of Revolution for my 10 week old kitten that we just adopted. On Monday she started throwing up all her food and has had some lose stools. Later I figured out why: REVOLUTION WAS BURNING MY CATS’ SKIN. no other symptoms noted with both cats as described by the other posts here. And last, simply- symptoms may be a result of no fleas. New options for cancer treatments in dogs don’t exactly occur every day. But after internet research it is most definitely due to the revolution. I told the vet I applied Revolution a week earlier, but she didn't think that had anything to do with it. I adopted a 6 month old cat last September and over the winter she developed some fleas. gave my 3 year old cat revolution a couple weeks ago he developed a lump on the side of his neck went to the vet gave him a shot of steroids and antibiotics . I don’t think for majority of pets these medications are a death sentence as some would have you believe. This is a neurotoxin and not all dogs have the ability to rid it from the system without suffering side effects (immediate or delayed). This past night I went in my room and he was laying under the bed - he never does that. With being said I asked my current vet and my old vet if Revolution would be safe since he's not a healthy cat.. How long did it take? Possible Revolution Side Effects. Has this happened to anyone's little angel and if so what can I do to help her? Out of 12 cats, only one is having an issue and he is the one that has the allergic reaction to flea bites along with the dog.He is drinking and eating but has vomited a couple times. They just didn't seem to work. Educate yourself in advance, watch for signs, and take the appropriate steps. They are both 1 year old. Seizures became less frequent and less severe after about 3 weeks. Gave my five year old cat revolution 5 days ago, a day after application he became lethargic and had a fever not eating as much as usual. Hi there, did your kitty get better and how soon? IT will make your pet itch as the fleas crawl and die, but it is NOT a reaction to the meds, but a reaction to fleas dying. My kitten was treated on June 10/2015. He throws up yellow foamy liquid, he lay's around all day until the end of the day. He'll I'll even go 5 weeks sometimes before I give another dose. PLEASE EVERYONE, stop putting these poisons on your animals. topically. Heavens no!”) An Indianapolis Star investigation found that … Consult your doctor before adding protein drinks to your diet. She was still able to focus her eyes on me but her breathing was very shallow. The first kitty was lethargic until day 5 when her kidney was giving out, per a vet visit. Then it progressed to vomiting blood. I wish I would have done research before I agreed. I adopted a stray cat who has lung worms and the Vet gave a dose of Revolution between his shoulder blades, and told me to give him another dose higher up on his neck 2 days later. (drench was removed from sale). an important amino acid that controls the release of chloride into the Are these symptoms exclusive to Revolution or are they the same for all flee treatments? Let us know what the Vet says, and I wish your kitty a full recovery. So very sad! … My vet ASSURED ME it was safe and very rare side effects. Well I wouldn't apply revolution AND advantage. It was fine with no recactions. I applied Revolution to my adult dogs. Yesterday I applied revolution to my 84 lb golden retriever and his fur was stiff he was panting terrible and shaking his head from side to side. My vet recommended resolution for my 8 week old kitten and then a second dose 2 weeks later. I took my 5 1/2 y.o cat to the vet last week, Wednesday 9/9/20, checked out as a healthy cat no fleas. I had switched her to Revolution Plus two months earlier and I believe that is what caused the seizure and trouble standing. I refused since they had been selling me next guard and heart guard for four years. Vicki if the hair loss os NOT near the location of the revolution then its obviously and apparently NOT from the Revolution. Took her to the vet yesterday...they would not make the connection that this has anything to do with the Revolution. Because the topical medication protects against Don't worry, they can't be transferred to humans. side effects of Credelio As with all medicines, sometimes side effects may occur. My cat has had a very similar reaction, and I have wondered if it was because of the Revolution. So let's discuss the worst potential side effects of. I will not be using Revolution again and will not take my cat back to this particular Vet. My cat is also losing hair and seems to be. It may be totally unrelated to Revolution. never. If it is days or weeks later - you may be confusing medications- advantage can be washed off anytime and make it less effective. I have 4 cats and have applied to a others aswell, and no allergic reaction with revolution at all. I had a very healthy cat, she rarely went outside and if she did it was only in the backyard. Took her to the vet...blood work done...my first reaction upon seeing Missy of course was shock and horror to see her thrashing so violently and my first thought was that it was a reaction to Revolution....ithe bloodwork showed no problem of Diabetes nor problem with liver or kidneys...could be heart problems or neurological, and will have mroe tests done. Hills Pet foods has had sooooo many recalls due to vitamin toxicity. This is now permanent and a year later he still has those issues. The itch and jumpiness sets in immediately. Sorry but these pharma jerks that create these things could really give a you know what about the pets. Do you need a prescription to buy Revolution for dogs? I put Revolution on 2 of my cats 2 weeks ago. Now all he wants to do is sleep and that is not like him. How long does it take for Revolution to work? Dec 04, 2015 | 2 Minutes Dec 04, 2015 | 2 Minutes . I have 2 small dogs. Not every dog experiences the five What about constant itching? However, as we will later see, these side-effects can occur acutely prior to possibly developing into a more serious reaction. Simparica is available in different doses for dogs 2.8 pounds and over, but has not been evaluated for use in … Cat is dehydrated and fluids have been subcutaneously administered twice now. I am so sad. Within a few hours some of her hair where he applied it was GONE and the patch of hairlessness became two patches and grew in emptiness over 24 hours. and is a very TRUSTED COMPANY! poisoning or overdose. I've had poodles before but they were never that hyper. main side effects, in fact, only about one percent of dogs on Revolution I suspected the Revolution, and after reading of similar symptoms here, now I see the pattern, and will never give him another dose. In cases such as this we recommend that you consult a vet. I have never posted stuff like this but I feel like my story should be shared and everyone should know the potential risks of Revoluation. They deserve it. When I gave it to my cats, one of them immediately started trying to lick it off. I didn't see what happened, but comparing it to tonight, he very well could've hat a seizure. I panicked, and couldn't find him to wash it off. The few times I saw her walk - or attempted to - she would take one or two steps and fall over to her side. So we should to know the kinds of treatment about the cat fleas, especially when we allow them to stay in our home, it would make a huge infection to us. He is dead today. I think too much of my dog to give it to him again even tho he has had it before. Cats of that age (like my Molly, about 15-16 years old) often develop some form of renal failure which can cause significant changes in their appetite. Any other insight would be much appreciated!!! How long does it take for his hair to grow back? I gave my 6 month girl cat revolution three day ago.. few hours after administering the flea med, she starting puking every where and then would not eat, when she drinker water, she would throw up.. After two days I.. took her back to the vet. It can also be addictive, ... Substance abuse treatment will commence after detox is completed, and can last anywhere from 1-6 months or longer, depending on a number of factors including severity of drug dependency and any complicating social issues. Almost emmediatley started having seizure like twitching and severe tremors in his head and front legs and he slobbers. I think it does something to the heart in some cats and it might even take a couple of months to kill the cat. She had two more seizures about an hour after we saw the vet. First, Revolution is a drug not a chemical, advantage and Frontline and topical products for flea and tick prevention are all insecticide based. Revolution is generally safe for dogs over the age of six weeks, but I did not connect it to the Revolution treatments. The active ingredient is a semi-synthetic ivermectin, which has been safely used by Vets on pets, and farmers on cattle, pigs, horses etc, for decades. None of the other cats have shown adverse reactions but I am not going to take any more chances. Then, he came back and had a lot of saliva/foam at the mouth. Other side effects include redness or flaking on the site of the application, vomiting, diarrhea (with or sometimes without blood), decreased appetite, being less energetic or lazy and rapid breathing. This is perfectly normal within the first few days after treatment. The vets want to sell you the expensive stuff. I agree, I will never use this product again, and i think the ph/company should take this drug off the market. the product. Her fur falls out where it's applied. Only give the smallest amount needed and only give every 30 days. It is so sad. Very healthy. Could it be the Revolution? In general, these are both considered mild side-effects. I don't like the idea of applying poison to her skin and waiting for side effects but the mites are bothering her and need to go! He is an inside cat and never goes outside. We noticed that it was a bit skinny (under fed). I will NOT ever use Revolution again. I am hoping that he will get better as it ears off he walks a tad bit better looks like a raccoon sometimes he has no control over pooping and peeing. I got back home on Thursday night and he was staggering in his hind legs. So we gave this street cat a dose of revolution. Please help me vetgave antibiotics yesterday for fever. He has been lethargic as well. I have a 7 yr old cat indoor/outdoor 13.7 lbs and the vet suggested revolution. Then my 10 plus year old cat got more lethargic and had personality changes but I didn't really think much of it because it was so vague and he seemed ok. I am glad to know that he wasn't hurt from the seizure, but it was a terrible sight to witness. I work for a vet for 20 years and they are not trying to push drugs for your pet. I just can't take that chance. No drooling, at first I thought she had licked it off, which is possible, she previously had head tremors, and neurological issues, possibly from previous reactions, stray cat, so not sure. I failed to notice the change in his usual Tigger self and now feel it was due to the use of Revolution. We found vomit (presumably the sick cat) and she laid around with no energy acting sick. I had to hold him in the litter box. If a animal has a reaction to one type of drug it's advised to use a different type of heartworm drug. My cat had the opposite experience, I will never buy Advantage or any OTC meds again and I stick with revolution or simple guard only now. Reactions have occurred in cats with or without a history of … Take this product off the market and stop making people’s beloved pets sick!!! She drank water and ate food but just laid in one spot all day. Revolution is a heartworm preventative, a single parasitical drug that goes on to kill fleas for the next 30 days. She had one bout of diarrhea after about 3 hours of the application. Is it bad to take beta blockers everyday? I will not use it on my other cats again even tho they didn't seem to be affected by that first dose. She still has some trouble with her back legs, but is much better after not using Revolution Plus any longer. Now, Kitty is not necessarily a "nice" cat, so her response was an indicator something was wrong. I started my cat on Revolution in April. The cat was top shape before the treatment. irritation. Bear in mind that it is not the same for every animal, and all flea treatments, even the pills, carry inherent risks. These side effects can sometimes be very severe and include the loss of consciousness, death, and even paralysis. I am having a problem with my persion cat. Since then he has had sneezing fits, runny nose, and weight loss. Spinosad, derived from a soil bacteria, started life as a crop pesticide. underweight animals without first consulting a veterinarian. She has had extremely watery eyes for two days. The moral to this story is, it took ME to figure out that Revolution was causing these episodes. Both lost appetites and lethargic. I hope our pup forgives us :’(. I have seen it cause hind leg weakness in a few dogs. Then it started again, about once a month. I have no doubt that there was a connection between her death and the revolution. there can be uncommon side effects. Thanks. Revolution for dogs. I would be more alarmed but she even got up and ate while it was happening, and she is now sleeping next to me. I found her at the bottom of the stairs and her body was limp. She started purring & even let me cuddle her. My vet insisted on giving my perfectly healthy cat revolution. I've read the comments and a lot of people said the vet didn't make a difference. It should start working within minutes of application, but it will take about 2 hours before it will be in full effect. Also, one morning a few days after applying Revolution to the cats I woke up with acne-like bumps all over my face and upper body. I think my puppy is having seizures from Revolution. I feel that my cat has been overdosed. So far he's ok but I hope nothing serious will happen. She didn't seem upset and the only thing I knew that was different was the dose of Revolution. She finally recovered but then lost the function of her left hind leg completely. Then on get last visit the tech at north shore refused to sell me those Meds for her saying they were toxic & she should be on revolution. All of the things I mentioned was in the insert of the box of revolution. recommended by veterinarians to prevent common diseases spread by insect She had mites. The vet sent in a biopsy of the skin that was reacting. So NEVER again any of those poisons, I gave 2 of my 3 cats a revolution treatment. Now I know - it’s the Revolution. Now dog has to be on prednisone for 2weeks. Prior to the treatment she was flea infested and had been treated for worms. Hi Karen, I know your post is 2 yrs.old, but wondering how it turned out -- I have 3# chi and Vet. I have a stray with eardrum rupture from ear mite infection, the revelution for mites left this kitty immobilized, hind legs non-functioning, vomiting everything, cannot keep water down, all of which began after 17 hours of dosing. How did you get them to stop? I am hoping someone will address this issue as I am sure Vicky would love an answer as much as I do! Can she get sick from domino in contact with the other cats? This has happened with other topical flea treatments with her before, but my vet thought she could handle this one. So why did I have to put her down one week after applying Revolution? For example, CBD oils with a 2% CBD content are much cheaper than those with a 20% CBD material. Do not massage Revolution into the skin. She would only sit and then lay down when stood up on all fours by me. I have gotten her to drink a little water by first putting it on my fingers and letting her lick it that way. Brought her to the ER, and had to have her put down. The does was even a hair less than recommended. You do the math. Please, share my story. So they gave it to him and where they applied it red sores, sick, hair falling out crying, itching and very miserable. She has been on anti seizure meds and anti biotics since due to this horrible Revolution drug. Now I have to tell my daughter who is away at camp. Just as humans, we all differ! The main ingredient in Revolution is selamectin. took him to vet they did blood work ( still waiting for results) gave him fluids and drug for fever. This experience was horrific, I prayed and watched my poor kitten for 3 days now all night long and force fed her things that would help. What an insult to my intelligence. It is applied at the base of the neck in front of the shoulder blades, for the express purpose of the pet not being able to lick it. He is strictly indoors but I have a dog so occasionally he will bring in a flea and I will notice the kitties scratching. So same thing with my little chihuahua- I had been using nexguard & heart guard for 4 years at half doses since she threw up after front line topical. My kitten received a dose of revolution and now his hair is falling out all around his neck . interactions may also occur, so make sure you notify your veterinarian Both developed urinary problems. I adopted a Pomeranian rescued from a puppy mill in Alabama. He has been on Revolution for 4 yrs. Vet checks him out as healthy. I gave my 13 1/2 yr old Maine Coon Revolution on Sat. I dont know if my kitten will make it or not. Will not give it to her again. Jamie, hi. I used the recommended dosage on both cats the same night. My cat will never be the same. No more resolution. I'm pretty sure she had a seizure. Around 2008, I heard of a new option to complement cancer surgery.So far, my results using this option have been very impressive. Keep in mind that topical flea products sold over the counter are governed by the EPA Not the FDA. I used Revolution on my two year old Shih Tzu on Sat. Have two poodles who have both suffered seizures and it traces back to being given Revolution. But still I’m worried and don’t know how long these side effects would last Reply. It burned her skin deeply, Turing it leathery and still, after which it peeled off almost completely. If your pet is not puling through try these remedies. We noticed it was developing a crusty rash. He likes the taste, so it is an easy fix. He stayed in the vets office for 3 days on ice and more medications. Before he always ate good, always wanted to be outside and on the go. In recent years I have had three. At the same time, I start to develop eczema/acne symptoms again and have to see my dermatologist again. Seems to happen worse each time after (<3 days) his monthly revolution treatment subsiding/ disappearing before the next dose. My cats have been on revolution for 3 years now. There is no antidote but supportive care will give our pets the best chance to recover. He was fine before I tried that one dose of Revolution. These effects are temporary and cannot affect the product’s effectiveness. Coincidence? And yes I put the medicine on the back of their necks where it is supposed to go! Cat still is not eating or drinking and sleeps all the time. You can help your pet through this by offering them plenty of fresh water to drink. After we researched this on the internet we saw many complaints about this product. I noticed a bald spot where the application was applied as well, so I called my vet. Experienced the same effect of Revolution on my 12 year old Maine Coon, Tigger. If he sneezes a lot he could have feline herpes. This doesn't make sense to me. I don't know but I had to put her down last month and I can't help but wonder. I have another cat who threw up tonight a few minutes later. Like many others my cats have experience discomfort when having Revolution applied (burning, itch, hyperactivity) but I feel like I need to share as I see the effects reaching new highs.. A few months back my three indoor cats were all getting a monthly dose of Revolution (because, who wants fleas right?!) I have a 41/2 year old poodle. After reading what everyone else has had to say there isn't a chance that I'll put that stuff anywhere near my cats again. Also keep in mind that heartworm is fatal.

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