The shop provided flowers for Woodmere Cemetery. Scotten owned a factory at Fort and Clark streets. Very informative and a great way to learn about the locks/canal. This street may or may not be named for her. Named for Orchestra Hall which is located at Wooward and Orchestra Place. Mary Bailey, of the Detroit News, writes, ''Abbott Street was opened in 1835 and was named for James Abbott Jr., born in Detroit in 1776. It was supposedly named for Peter Audrain, Secretary of Governor and Judges Territorial Legislature and Clerk of Courts. The trail was well maintained and except for two small sections was very flat. Home | Eras in Detroit History | Trivia | People | Places. Ride a trail write a review!!! An allied tribe of the Sacs and Mascoutin.". Most likely named for the Wabash Railroad which was named for the Wabash River, which was named after the French River Ouabache. William (Bill) Armour was the manager for the Detroit Tigers the year Ty Cobb began his career. . Complaints to the Canal Corp. fall on deaf ears. Named for T.K. It connected Lakepointe to Barham (East Side between Chandler Park and E. Warren). General term used to describe Native Americans of the following tribes (and others): Delaware, Fox, Huron, Miami, Ojibwa (Chippewa), Ottawa, Potawatomi, Sac, Shawnee and Winnebago. I would like to revisit this section after the leaves have fallen, just before winter. Special thanks to John Bezik for this information. There is a bike rack at the gate, which leads into the grounds. Nick Morang grew up on the east side of Detroit about a half mile south of Morang Dr. Name given to Parent's Creek in 1763 after 160 British soldiers died their during Pontiac's War. Beautiful and not challenging. It most likely comes for Worcester in the UK. Join TrailLink (a non-profit) to view more than 30,000 miles of trail maps and more! A big thanks to Mister Blue of Detroit 300 for setting me straight on Annabelle Street! The street may have been named for him. The trail surface is well suited to bicycle riding (even on a road bike), walking, and jogging. But it is fun to get off the trail and ride through the towns. Named for the Kelly family, who had a farm in the area, Kelly Road was once known as Pumpkin Hook Road. While accommodation is a bit of a challenge, it can be arranged with a bit of flexibility. Probably named for the state of Wisconsin. We were forced to figure out our own detours with the help of other bikers. Sincerely, Christina Klepper. We stayed in a hotel outside of Buffalo and had some problems finding our way around because the Ferry Bridge on Squaw Island was closed for repairs - thankful I had taken the time to put our ride in Ride with GPS so we could find our way on the side roads. Spent the night before our ride at the Holiday Inn Lockport, which was very clean and comfortable and only about 2 miles from the trail. Named for Carpenter Creek and the Carpenter family (early farmers). ", Probably named for French explorer, Robert Cavalier sieur de La Salle. Rode this on 7/25/16 - parked at Schenectady Community College and headed west - very nice and easy paved trail - goes right by a working lock - went through some swampy regions where the swamps were horribly inundated with algae - only a few turtles remained on exposed logs - when you end the trail and head out on 5S, there are no real good signs as to where the trail resumes - we went out a total of 10 miles and came back then headed east for 5 miles - all in all a 30 mile day of easy riding (had it not been for the extreme heat). It is possible that this street ran along the west side of a brook or had a brook to the west of it. Named for Hamtramck city councilman, Henry Jacob(1911). General term sometimes used to describe Native Americans of the following tribes: Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca. He helped us out with repair of the bike, then sat and talked to us while we ate some ice cream and got a bottle of water (both of those are also available at Candle Nook)--and used his restroom. NO. Riding along the Niagara River to the entrance to the Erie Canal on a warm sunny day was great. At the west end there is a connection to a mile long new trail connecting to Rt. We'd still advise anyone to give it a try but be prepared for some moments of confusion with finding the correct path. We only knew about them from prior research and our AAA Guide. Parked at midpoint Spencerport, a neat little town with shops and eateries. Recreational opportunities abound here, including golf, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, cross-country skiing, picnicking, softball, and soccer. Is located approximately 6 miles North of the Detroit River (measuring from the beginning of Woodward Avenue). Some of the really cool attractions, like the first bike ridden cross-country, a huge high-wheeler, is in the second floor of a darling historical society in Henniker. The Herkimer Home is kind of cool and would be another good place to park. We really enjoyed visiting all of the "ports"-Lockport, Gasport, Middleport, Spencerport, Brockport and probably a couple of more that I forgot. The Moravians were evicted from settlements in Ohio and charged by British authorities with being sympathetic to the American cause. There are some sections that get a little less maintenance than others, so you'll encounter some spots where tree roots are breaking through the pavement, and others that have some road dust swept onto it. Continuing east, the trail goes through the town of Colonie, which offers a pleasantly wooded interlude, with undulating lowlands and small hillsides as it runs along the Mohawk River. Named for the landmark Catholic Church, St.Florians. Robert received the information from Mr. Cooper's great-grandson. The trail no longer ends at Palmyra, after crossing over to the other side of the canal the path continues another 7 miles or so to Newark NY. Surface was great (we did C&O last year and this was much easier) and loved that we could stop in so many small towns to check out life. Named for the founder of Detroit's first library. Arthur Whitney was a hunter and trapper from Highwood. My group of 4 started a bike trip from downtown Buffalo. Is located approximately 8 miles North of the Detroit River (measuring from the beginning of Woodward Avenue). Baptized John Williams, he adopted the letter 'R' to distinguish himself from another John Williams in Detroit. McDougal (MacDougal?). Horse hooves cannot leave deep tracks due to the shape of their hoof. N.M. Wells was an assistant engineer for whom a settlement in Arenac was named. I'm rating the trail only 4 stars because it isn't paved the entire length otherwise it is a great trail. ". Possibly named for Michigan Governor John S. Barry (1842-1846). Probably just named for the Scottish word. Special thanks to Debbie Moyes Bailey of St. Louis, Missouri for this info (see Moyes Avenue). Probably named for James Edmund Scripps who founded The Evening News, which later became The Detroit News. The lots were typically around 200 feet wide at the river front, with lengths up to 3 miles. Trail is well maintained. Nice picnic area in Gasport where we took a short break and watched the bridge rise to let a boat pass under. Williams named Elizabeth after his daughter, and Columbia after a street where he lived in Albany, New York.". Our tour was loosely based on he inn-to-inn touring guide published by PCNY, the parks and canal of NY organization. We had a wonderful time. Special thanks to Joseph Barron's great-great-great-great-grandson Joseph Calamia for this information. Probably named for Hampshire County in England. It is possible that Belle Street has the same origin. Named for Lansing, Michigan's capitol city. (Courtesy of the church)We rode about 44 miles there & back,with detour. Some sources spell the name Audrian. The street may have been named for one of these places. Named for William Adair nurseryman and landowner; 1862, Named for John Adams, second President of the United States. Pine Street in Detroit is near Butternut, Ash, Poplar, Spruce, Magnolia, Mulberry, and Sycamore Streets. The city's population grew from 4500 people in 1910 to 56,000 people by 1930 -- most of them Polish. We parked at the commuter parking lot off N. Genessee St. on Harbor Lock Rd. A Native American tribe that built a village near Fort Ponchartrain. It is common for areas in cities to have streets named after trees. "Properly ""Mesh-kwa-ki-hug"". Named for Louis (or Jerome) Ponchartrain, Minister of Marine at the court of King Louis of France. When the trail empties onto Jay Street turn left. Special thanks to Sally for providing this info. Probably named for Dr. William Brown, who was one of thirty leading Detroit citizens deported by General Proctor for criticizing the General's actions during the War of 1812. Mary Bailey of the Detroit News, writes, "Beaubien and St. Antoine originated from the two Beaubien brothers, Lambert and Antoine, each of whom received half of the family farm after the death of their father, Jean Baptiste Beaubien, one of the first white settlers on the river, opposite Fort Dearborn. Land district provisioned by the Canadian Council on July 24, 1788. Cascade in Kent County was named for ''the fine fall of water.'' Possibly named for Wasthenaw County farmer, Willis L. Potter. Special thanks to Robert Andersen for providing this information (including the photo). Source: now defunct Geocities site on Michigan Street names. Began as a Native American hunting/travelling path. He rode past us and less than 30 seconds later when I looked down the trail, he had disappeared into the brush (this is a straightaway section - you can see a long way). The bike trail seems to begin here, and is paved at this point, all the way to Lock #20 (about 4.5 miles). Behind Herkimer Home is the trail. Or it may have been named for Michigan poet, Will Carleton (1845-1912)(Michigan Place Names). Probably named for President Theodore Roosevelt. Possibly named for the city of Norfolk, Virginia. Thomas Cliff owned the only home in this area of the city and ran a tavern where the David Whitney Building now stands. Possibly named after the Ann Arbor area land owner Luke H. Whitmore. May no longer exist as either. Found the parking area without too much trouble. The map is out of print but online. Level, well-maintained trail - supposedly closed to motorized vehicles, but we had to work around snowmobile tracks for the eastern third of the trail (Weedsport to Centerport Road). Thanks to Thom Dionne for this info.It should be noted that another reader has taken exception to this bit of info. This was a great location for an over night stay since there is a mall and restaurants near by. "A Native American tribe known for antagonizing and brutalizing the Hurons (see also. Disadvantage: no boats to watch in the locks and towns. Another unforgettable sight is watching one of the lift bridges raise and lower to accommodate the passage of a boat. May have been named for the Martin family or St. Martin family -- both were ribbon farmers. An allied tribe of the Foxes (and Sacs?). Possibly named for Antwerp, Belgium -- more likely named after Detroit Mayor Eugene Van Antwerp. Probably named for James Burnett, who was one of thirty leading Detroit citizens deported by General Proctor for criticizing the General's actions during the War of 1812. His son built several houses in the area which are still standing to this day. Could be named for one of the following -- or not. I highly recommend this Bikeway! Named for Edsel Ford -- or his flop of a car! Pittsford is very busy but makes a good food stop. The unpaved portion have been taken over by horse and wagon leaving a very unsafe bumpy and rutted ride. Isaac Shelby of Kentucky, who aided Michigan in the War of 1812 with troops from his home state. The name may come from them/there. If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, you may e-mail me back at this address and I will be happy to assist you further. Someday I hope to get back to ride the entire distance. mound located in an area near the road. Took the Erie Canal Trail from the city of Pittsford to Brockport on a Performance Hybrid Bicycle. Mary Bailey of the Detroit News writes, "Witherall [sic] was named after James Witherall, who succeeded Frederick Bates as one of the first Michigan territorial judges in 1808. Part of the trail butts against the water front, some other parts veer away from the waterfront a bit. Young (landowner and great grandfather of Thomas Constance). This trail was on our "bucket list" and we really enjoyed it. It was a wonderful trip. Beaver pelts were a prized commodity in the area for a while. Would like to ride this trail with my Polaris Sportsman. If you like city biking and city parks, stay south. Then rode east 7mi to Palmyra Lock 29. Possibly named after the Flemish painter Jan Van Eyck. Just be aware that some are not as bike-savvy as others, so that can be a hiccup if you're going at a good clip in your ride. Paved again@ STJ. Trail near Amsterdam is pretty scenic and has potential to be really nice, however, the trail both East and West of Amsterdam was very bumpy in spots with many tree roots pushing thru the old pavement. As the Erie Canalway Trail passes through more than 200 communities, there are a considerable number of access points and places to park. Chatham in Alger County was named for Chatham, Ontario (Michigan Place Names). Overall, a nice mix of a lot of different rides and worth a nice morning or afternoon. Wayland W. Bartlett was a postmaster in Grand Traverse County. The trail borders the parking lot on the side closest to the river. I'm not sure if there is a connection. Native American tribe living in the area between Saginaw Bay and Thunder Bay at the time Detroit was founded. When complete, the Erie Canalway Trail will run for 360 miles in upstate New York—from Buffalo in the west to Albany in the east—linking many other communities along the way, including Rochester, Syracuse, Rome, Utica, and Schenectady. It is sad that a beautiful New York State resource is so neglected in Montgomery County. The only thing that I would suggest and I hope that NYS Parks does is to put in mileage signs and some education signs along the way. A few steeper grades and hill climbs can be found in the Mohawk Valley section on the trail's eastern half. var username = "tina"; Carbondale in Menominee County was named because of its charcoal kilns (Michigan Place Names). Possibly named for James Sterling, interpreter in early Detroit. Named for the Masonic Temple, which is located on it. Probably not. Possibly named for Mexican General Juan N Almonte. Probably named for the French city of Marseilles. Named for Father Simon Kilar, founder of Transfiguration Catholic Church. Probably named for the Duke of Wellington or another place that was named for him. Rode from Amsterdam to Fultonville And back had a great ride on a great day. If you like more peaceful paths along the river the northern section above the Grand Island bridge can't be beat. Ray's family came from Germany, so we aren't sure if there is a connection. It is likely that there was a wood along side this street. The French called the tribe Sakis; English and Americans generally call them Sacs. The “canalway” trail out of Buffalo had many closed sections without properly marked detours. On the south side of Rochester, you’ll find another of the trail’s gems: Genesee Valley Park. It's a good 30 miles I would say. They often lived with Native Americans. .OH YEAH, the sheriff's escorted us across the road so all the riders could enter the erie trail system. 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judge brennan herkimer county

Named for the famous hockey hair cut -- just kidding. In or around 1853, Nicholas Young purchased a large amount of land in Detroit in the area of what is now Celestine and Young Streets. Special thanks to Dann Austin (Buildings of Detroit) for ths information. Likely named after the Flemish North Sea Port in France. Its kind of neat. Named for the Navarre family. Probably named for Michigan's 20th Governor, Russell Alexander Alger, According to Michigan Place Names, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft invented the name Algonac by taking the beginning of Algonquin (as in the Algonquin Nation) and adding the suffix 'ac', meaning 'place.'. He is living under/by the overpass. It is possible that this was named for the same person. The trail borders the park along the Lake Erie waterfront. Possibly named for Detroit pharmacist and ginger ale pioneer James Vernor. This Page lists the names by ward, township, and county of United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894.The information was extracted from the 1894 Michigan State Census. TR US TE D J O U R NALI S M AT YO U R FI N G E RTI P S. JANUARY 25, 2021 VOL. That last part was a joke. Anton was a land owner at the time and lived on Kaier Street along with his three daughters: Victoria (aka Dora), Flora and Clara. When biking from Utica to oriskany this trail hasn't been maintained at all.its to a point where I quit usuing this trail. Named for a tree indigenous to Michigan. Since it is along a canal, it is open with little shade. This section passes over a few lift bridges and pedestrian walkways to avoid the highway. Possibly named for Michigna Territory Governor George B. Porter. Perez was previously Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights (2009–2013) and United States Secretary of Labor (2013–2017).. Born in Buffalo, New York, Perez … Many accommodations along the trail as well. Cover Letter for Jobs I can't wait to ride this trail again with a group and go even further! Named for Steve T. Mason, first Governor of Michigan. There is a short on-road section in Dunsbach Ferry where you ride underneath Route 87. See EC Village at Rome, replica bridge at Cedar Bay. Campbell in Ionia County was named for Irish immigrant brothers Jeremiah and Martin Campbell (Michigan Place Names). This section is very well kept, based on my experience this late-spring. The good thing is that there are good hotels in Albany, Buffalo, Syracuse and Rochester (Marriott) so you can accomodate your trip to stay in a nice hotel after a long ride. Named for a Polish Revolutionary war general of Polish decent. The route was only hard to find through a couple of towns. Great views along the canal, Very friendly people in the many towns along the way who welcome cyclist. Named for the Ottawa, a Native American tribe/nation. John F Barnes became postmaster in Midland County in 1897. Special thanks to Anita Hiltz for providing the information about this street! Convenient parking at both ends of the trail. (Information courtesy of Frank DeFrank with the Macomb Daily and Robert Szudarek). Clarendon in Calhoun County was named for Clarendon, New York. No glass thought, just the grit from the road. The middle section through the industrial area is not very attractive at all. At the east end I started at Lock 16 on the New York State Barge Canal for about an 8 mile ride. Named for the Riopelle family (ribbon farmers). (There is no trail from Little Falls to Herkimer.) This street was most likely named for it's location on the western border of Detroit. Scotten owned Dillion-Scotten Tobacco, as well as, Hiawatha Tobacco. Hope some of this helps. Wesson. We only went about another half mile then turned around and went back. Named for Should-Be-President Al Gore (just kidding!). It is common for streets to be named for nearby landmarks or geographical features of the area. This was named for the tree, but I don't think it is actually in Detroit. Maybe locals know their canal history, but visitors probably won't. Possibly named after the village in Delta County. Possibly named after the Wyoming Territory or state. ECT should take a look. The trail itself needs better signage so you don't stay on a busy urban street instead of riding the path along the river. We were soaked when we arrived back in am-dam. There was a cooler of waters & there was bathrooms across the street. Probably named after Yorkshire County in England. Proud to say we had almost 40 riders on the trail for almost 2 hrs total. This section is very fragmented. Named for the Dequindre family ribbon farm. At one point you have to cross active railroad tracks. I don't know how far it goes. Not sure where the "Wight" comes from. He and real estate business partner Walter C. Piper were early settlers of Warren, Michigan. Alpena is the 'Indian' word for partridge. As most of the trail follows these canal and rail corridors, it is nearly level with an average grade of 1 percent. Right next to the the river, there is a lot to see and hear on this paved trail, as the highway is sometimes very close. I'm being picky but a beautiful ride like this can be spoiled by the little problems. Named for Judge Augustus Brevoort Woodward, Woodward Avenue had its humble beginnings as a Native American hunting/travelling path. Laing was the name of one of the developers (individual or company) of the area around Kelly and Whitter. great ride buffalo to albany, busy in albany but great ride. Probably named for governor Kingsley S. Bingham. Larry adds, ''Now, I don't know if this story is true or not, but it's the only story I've ever heard about the name origin of Detroit's Chalfonte Avenue. Named for Civil War General Henry Halleck. This street was most likely named for it's location on the western border of Detroit and/or the Michigan Central Railroad station in Springwells township. This was my second time on this trail I parked off rice road off about a mile from lock #8 and cycled south. The park in Albany is very nice and has lots of parking, over by the boat launch there is more parking. Interesting interpretive signs at either end of the the parks at either end of the trail segment. May or may not have some connection to Boston's Beacon Hill. Mostly stone dust with some asphalt sections. Nice views of the Mohawk River and and we able to see one of the locks in operation. Special thanks to Liam Collins of Wayne State University for this information. Cabacier was the name of one of Detroit's original ribbon farmers. I rode this today and was going to try and make it to the next town but, i only made it from Tonawanda to Madina, all in all did 90 miles. Bruce lived in Detroit most of his life (he emigrated from Canada in his late teens). Special thanks to one-time Detroiter George St. Pierre for this information. I think we biked about 40 miles total. I've done only part of this trail, but it's amazing. What an amenity. His first Detroit store was near the southwest corner of Woodward Avenue and Woodbridge. Barham was the only street in Detroit that was a 'mistake' in planning (not enough property for homes on both sides of the street), so Schuper was created to accommodate the garbage trucks that started there route on Lakepointe. Probably named for Lancashire County in England. Our favorite towns were Brockport and Albion. Possibly named for New York Senator, William H. Seward. Named for Alexander Stanton, son of General Henry Stanton; 1852 (Stanton Farm); later changed to Newark June 3, 1885. In that year, Congress granted to Detroit the military reserve through which the street ran.". Before this was a real trail, this was called the 'towpath' as some of it was the old towpath that the mules and horses used to pull the boats. Maybe named for slaves, Thornton Blackburn and his wife. 8 years old at the time, was standing at the corner of Young Street and a cross road that was under construction when he overheard the workers stating that they didn't have a name for the new street. Edmund studied law, as did his father before him. But it supposedly replaced Ann Street in 1887. Here is the response I received about the issue. He was also the first president of Michigan Mutual Life Insurance in 1867, a bank trustee, and police commissioner in 1865.". This is the first of a multi-part review, since the trail is so long. Thomas Edward Perez (born October 7, 1961) is an American politician and attorney who served as the Chair of the Democratic National Committee from February 2017 until January 2021. Since the 1890 federal census … Named for Aurelia Cutler of Warren, MA, friend of W.B. Mary Bailey of the Detroit News writes, "Randolph Street was named after John Randolph, the Virginia statesman and orator in the early 1800s.". Miles Spaulding who owned an excavation and road supply company in Detroit. Streets are frequently named for landmarks and geographic features of the surrounding area. Part of the route includes the Riverwalk along the Niagara River, which is quite scenic and provides access to two popular recreational amenities in Buffalo: LaSalle Park and Riverside Park, both offering athletic fields and places to picnic. We enjoyed a nice meal at Parillo's Italian Restaurant (go through through the Armory Bar and Grill and take a left). LF ( parking). Probably named for President Rutherford B. Hayes. Antoine was a lieutenant colonel in the Michigan Territorial Militia. A gap of about 20 miles lies between Utica and the final leg of the trail, which picks up in Little Falls. My biking friend and I started a self-contained bike ride in Fairport, NY and took Canal to the Peace Bridge. I've ridden every rail-trail in New York State, including the entire Erie Canalway Trail twice: Even though this trail is not complete or entirely connected, it is still the premier trail in the state. As a kid 35 years ago, i used to ride on what became this trail from Rochester to Palmyra (I lived in Fairport). Anton also owned a floral shop on the corner of Fort Street and Kaier Street> The shop provided flowers for Woodmere Cemetery. Scotten owned a factory at Fort and Clark streets. Very informative and a great way to learn about the locks/canal. This street may or may not be named for her. Named for Orchestra Hall which is located at Wooward and Orchestra Place. Mary Bailey, of the Detroit News, writes, ''Abbott Street was opened in 1835 and was named for James Abbott Jr., born in Detroit in 1776. It was supposedly named for Peter Audrain, Secretary of Governor and Judges Territorial Legislature and Clerk of Courts. The trail was well maintained and except for two small sections was very flat. Home | Eras in Detroit History | Trivia | People | Places. Ride a trail write a review!!! An allied tribe of the Sacs and Mascoutin.". Most likely named for the Wabash Railroad which was named for the Wabash River, which was named after the French River Ouabache. William (Bill) Armour was the manager for the Detroit Tigers the year Ty Cobb began his career. . Complaints to the Canal Corp. fall on deaf ears. Named for T.K. It connected Lakepointe to Barham (East Side between Chandler Park and E. Warren). General term used to describe Native Americans of the following tribes (and others): Delaware, Fox, Huron, Miami, Ojibwa (Chippewa), Ottawa, Potawatomi, Sac, Shawnee and Winnebago. I would like to revisit this section after the leaves have fallen, just before winter. Special thanks to John Bezik for this information. There is a bike rack at the gate, which leads into the grounds. Nick Morang grew up on the east side of Detroit about a half mile south of Morang Dr. Name given to Parent's Creek in 1763 after 160 British soldiers died their during Pontiac's War. Beautiful and not challenging. It most likely comes for Worcester in the UK. Join TrailLink (a non-profit) to view more than 30,000 miles of trail maps and more! A big thanks to Mister Blue of Detroit 300 for setting me straight on Annabelle Street! The street may have been named for him. The trail surface is well suited to bicycle riding (even on a road bike), walking, and jogging. But it is fun to get off the trail and ride through the towns. Named for the Kelly family, who had a farm in the area, Kelly Road was once known as Pumpkin Hook Road. While accommodation is a bit of a challenge, it can be arranged with a bit of flexibility. Probably named for the state of Wisconsin. We were forced to figure out our own detours with the help of other bikers. Sincerely, Christina Klepper. We stayed in a hotel outside of Buffalo and had some problems finding our way around because the Ferry Bridge on Squaw Island was closed for repairs - thankful I had taken the time to put our ride in Ride with GPS so we could find our way on the side roads. Spent the night before our ride at the Holiday Inn Lockport, which was very clean and comfortable and only about 2 miles from the trail. Named for Carpenter Creek and the Carpenter family (early farmers). ", Probably named for French explorer, Robert Cavalier sieur de La Salle. Rode this on 7/25/16 - parked at Schenectady Community College and headed west - very nice and easy paved trail - goes right by a working lock - went through some swampy regions where the swamps were horribly inundated with algae - only a few turtles remained on exposed logs - when you end the trail and head out on 5S, there are no real good signs as to where the trail resumes - we went out a total of 10 miles and came back then headed east for 5 miles - all in all a 30 mile day of easy riding (had it not been for the extreme heat). It is possible that this street ran along the west side of a brook or had a brook to the west of it. Named for Hamtramck city councilman, Henry Jacob(1911). General term sometimes used to describe Native Americans of the following tribes: Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca. He helped us out with repair of the bike, then sat and talked to us while we ate some ice cream and got a bottle of water (both of those are also available at Candle Nook)--and used his restroom. NO. Riding along the Niagara River to the entrance to the Erie Canal on a warm sunny day was great. At the west end there is a connection to a mile long new trail connecting to Rt. We'd still advise anyone to give it a try but be prepared for some moments of confusion with finding the correct path. We only knew about them from prior research and our AAA Guide. Parked at midpoint Spencerport, a neat little town with shops and eateries. Recreational opportunities abound here, including golf, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, cross-country skiing, picnicking, softball, and soccer. Is located approximately 6 miles North of the Detroit River (measuring from the beginning of Woodward Avenue). Some of the really cool attractions, like the first bike ridden cross-country, a huge high-wheeler, is in the second floor of a darling historical society in Henniker. The Herkimer Home is kind of cool and would be another good place to park. We really enjoyed visiting all of the "ports"-Lockport, Gasport, Middleport, Spencerport, Brockport and probably a couple of more that I forgot. The Moravians were evicted from settlements in Ohio and charged by British authorities with being sympathetic to the American cause. There are some sections that get a little less maintenance than others, so you'll encounter some spots where tree roots are breaking through the pavement, and others that have some road dust swept onto it. Continuing east, the trail goes through the town of Colonie, which offers a pleasantly wooded interlude, with undulating lowlands and small hillsides as it runs along the Mohawk River. Named for the landmark Catholic Church, St.Florians. Robert received the information from Mr. Cooper's great-grandson. The trail no longer ends at Palmyra, after crossing over to the other side of the canal the path continues another 7 miles or so to Newark NY. Surface was great (we did C&O last year and this was much easier) and loved that we could stop in so many small towns to check out life. Named for the founder of Detroit's first library. Arthur Whitney was a hunter and trapper from Highwood. My group of 4 started a bike trip from downtown Buffalo. Is located approximately 8 miles North of the Detroit River (measuring from the beginning of Woodward Avenue). Baptized John Williams, he adopted the letter 'R' to distinguish himself from another John Williams in Detroit. McDougal (MacDougal?). Horse hooves cannot leave deep tracks due to the shape of their hoof. N.M. Wells was an assistant engineer for whom a settlement in Arenac was named. I'm rating the trail only 4 stars because it isn't paved the entire length otherwise it is a great trail. ". Possibly named for Michigan Governor John S. Barry (1842-1846). Probably just named for the Scottish word. Special thanks to Debbie Moyes Bailey of St. Louis, Missouri for this info (see Moyes Avenue). Probably named for James Edmund Scripps who founded The Evening News, which later became The Detroit News. The lots were typically around 200 feet wide at the river front, with lengths up to 3 miles. Trail is well maintained. Nice picnic area in Gasport where we took a short break and watched the bridge rise to let a boat pass under. Williams named Elizabeth after his daughter, and Columbia after a street where he lived in Albany, New York.". Our tour was loosely based on he inn-to-inn touring guide published by PCNY, the parks and canal of NY organization. We had a wonderful time. Special thanks to Joseph Barron's great-great-great-great-grandson Joseph Calamia for this information. Probably named for Hampshire County in England. It is possible that Belle Street has the same origin. Named for Lansing, Michigan's capitol city. (Courtesy of the church)We rode about 44 miles there & back,with detour. Some sources spell the name Audrian. The street may have been named for one of these places. Named for William Adair nurseryman and landowner; 1862, Named for John Adams, second President of the United States. Pine Street in Detroit is near Butternut, Ash, Poplar, Spruce, Magnolia, Mulberry, and Sycamore Streets. The city's population grew from 4500 people in 1910 to 56,000 people by 1930 -- most of them Polish. We parked at the commuter parking lot off N. Genessee St. on Harbor Lock Rd. A Native American tribe that built a village near Fort Ponchartrain. It is common for areas in cities to have streets named after trees. "Properly ""Mesh-kwa-ki-hug"". Named for Louis (or Jerome) Ponchartrain, Minister of Marine at the court of King Louis of France. When the trail empties onto Jay Street turn left. Special thanks to Sally for providing this info. Probably named for Dr. William Brown, who was one of thirty leading Detroit citizens deported by General Proctor for criticizing the General's actions during the War of 1812. Mary Bailey of the Detroit News, writes, "Beaubien and St. Antoine originated from the two Beaubien brothers, Lambert and Antoine, each of whom received half of the family farm after the death of their father, Jean Baptiste Beaubien, one of the first white settlers on the river, opposite Fort Dearborn. Land district provisioned by the Canadian Council on July 24, 1788. Cascade in Kent County was named for ''the fine fall of water.'' Possibly named for Wasthenaw County farmer, Willis L. Potter. Special thanks to Robert Andersen for providing this information (including the photo). Source: now defunct Geocities site on Michigan Street names. Began as a Native American hunting/travelling path. He rode past us and less than 30 seconds later when I looked down the trail, he had disappeared into the brush (this is a straightaway section - you can see a long way). The bike trail seems to begin here, and is paved at this point, all the way to Lock #20 (about 4.5 miles). Behind Herkimer Home is the trail. Or it may have been named for Michigan poet, Will Carleton (1845-1912)(Michigan Place Names). Probably named for President Theodore Roosevelt. Possibly named for the city of Norfolk, Virginia. Thomas Cliff owned the only home in this area of the city and ran a tavern where the David Whitney Building now stands. Possibly named after the Ann Arbor area land owner Luke H. Whitmore. May no longer exist as either. Found the parking area without too much trouble. The map is out of print but online. Level, well-maintained trail - supposedly closed to motorized vehicles, but we had to work around snowmobile tracks for the eastern third of the trail (Weedsport to Centerport Road). Thanks to Thom Dionne for this info.It should be noted that another reader has taken exception to this bit of info. This was a great location for an over night stay since there is a mall and restaurants near by. "A Native American tribe known for antagonizing and brutalizing the Hurons (see also. Disadvantage: no boats to watch in the locks and towns. Another unforgettable sight is watching one of the lift bridges raise and lower to accommodate the passage of a boat. May have been named for the Martin family or St. Martin family -- both were ribbon farmers. An allied tribe of the Foxes (and Sacs?). Possibly named for Antwerp, Belgium -- more likely named after Detroit Mayor Eugene Van Antwerp. Probably named for James Burnett, who was one of thirty leading Detroit citizens deported by General Proctor for criticizing the General's actions during the War of 1812. His son built several houses in the area which are still standing to this day. Could be named for one of the following -- or not. I highly recommend this Bikeway! Named for Edsel Ford -- or his flop of a car! Pittsford is very busy but makes a good food stop. The unpaved portion have been taken over by horse and wagon leaving a very unsafe bumpy and rutted ride. Isaac Shelby of Kentucky, who aided Michigan in the War of 1812 with troops from his home state. The name may come from them/there. If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, you may e-mail me back at this address and I will be happy to assist you further. Someday I hope to get back to ride the entire distance. mound located in an area near the road. Took the Erie Canal Trail from the city of Pittsford to Brockport on a Performance Hybrid Bicycle. Mary Bailey of the Detroit News writes, "Witherall [sic] was named after James Witherall, who succeeded Frederick Bates as one of the first Michigan territorial judges in 1808. Part of the trail butts against the water front, some other parts veer away from the waterfront a bit. Young (landowner and great grandfather of Thomas Constance). This trail was on our "bucket list" and we really enjoyed it. It was a wonderful trip. Beaver pelts were a prized commodity in the area for a while. Would like to ride this trail with my Polaris Sportsman. If you like city biking and city parks, stay south. Then rode east 7mi to Palmyra Lock 29. Possibly named after the Flemish painter Jan Van Eyck. Just be aware that some are not as bike-savvy as others, so that can be a hiccup if you're going at a good clip in your ride. Paved again@ STJ. Trail near Amsterdam is pretty scenic and has potential to be really nice, however, the trail both East and West of Amsterdam was very bumpy in spots with many tree roots pushing thru the old pavement. As the Erie Canalway Trail passes through more than 200 communities, there are a considerable number of access points and places to park. Chatham in Alger County was named for Chatham, Ontario (Michigan Place Names). Overall, a nice mix of a lot of different rides and worth a nice morning or afternoon. Wayland W. Bartlett was a postmaster in Grand Traverse County. The trail borders the parking lot on the side closest to the river. I'm not sure if there is a connection. Native American tribe living in the area between Saginaw Bay and Thunder Bay at the time Detroit was founded. When complete, the Erie Canalway Trail will run for 360 miles in upstate New York—from Buffalo in the west to Albany in the east—linking many other communities along the way, including Rochester, Syracuse, Rome, Utica, and Schenectady. It is sad that a beautiful New York State resource is so neglected in Montgomery County. The only thing that I would suggest and I hope that NYS Parks does is to put in mileage signs and some education signs along the way. A few steeper grades and hill climbs can be found in the Mohawk Valley section on the trail's eastern half. var username = "tina"; Carbondale in Menominee County was named because of its charcoal kilns (Michigan Place Names). Possibly named for James Sterling, interpreter in early Detroit. Named for the Masonic Temple, which is located on it. Probably not. Possibly named for Mexican General Juan N Almonte. Probably named for the French city of Marseilles. Named for Father Simon Kilar, founder of Transfiguration Catholic Church. Probably named for the Duke of Wellington or another place that was named for him. Rode from Amsterdam to Fultonville And back had a great ride on a great day. If you like more peaceful paths along the river the northern section above the Grand Island bridge can't be beat. Ray's family came from Germany, so we aren't sure if there is a connection. It is likely that there was a wood along side this street. The French called the tribe Sakis; English and Americans generally call them Sacs. The “canalway” trail out of Buffalo had many closed sections without properly marked detours. On the south side of Rochester, you’ll find another of the trail’s gems: Genesee Valley Park. It's a good 30 miles I would say. They often lived with Native Americans. .OH YEAH, the sheriff's escorted us across the road so all the riders could enter the erie trail system.

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